DREAM Act Dies a Procedural Death

On Saturday, the DREAM Act died a procedural death in the Senate.   It appears that a majority of the Senators supported the Dream Act.  However, before a bill can be put to a proper vote, it is a procedural requirement that it pass a cloture vote.  A cloture vote requires three/fifths of voting Senators to move a  bill to a proper vote and to avoid a fillibuster.  The final vote was 55-41.  55 were in favor of moving the bill forward.

What’s Next for Immigration Reform?

With this bill’s defeat, the bill dies for this Congress.  However, the bill will surely be renewed during the next Congress (which begins in January).  The DREAM Act has been submitted for consideration many times since 2000.  Although it will be introduced, it is unlikely that it will go anywhere for the next two years.

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